Sunday, August 20, 2023

Text analysis : A Quiet Place

Here is my analysis of the movie: A Quiet Place

The text was an extract from: A Quiet Place


   The long shot at the beginning of the movie shows audience that in the world that the character lives in is abandoned, unmaintained, and no one lives there, only one family left. And the film maker wanted to convey that the family is trying to hide from someone or something, because they do everything quietly as if something dangerous is waiting for them, and the establish shot of the buildings in there connotate that the city is dead. 

Big Idea:

   The sound that is used for this movie is, silence, the character have no dialoque, they only use a sign language to communicate to each other and the close up on the character's feet shows that the character did not use any shoes and they go with barefoot connotate that they are trying so hard to prevent any noise or sound as possible, making audience think that there'll be something dangerous happening if they make noise, and the extra close up on the rocket toy makes audience wondering if that is dangerous because the noise can distract 'something'. And the dramatic sound effect when the camera blocking shows that the kid character in the movie just dicovered something and the dramatic sound effect are making it more intense.

   With the setting that is located in an dead abandoned town, and the characters dressed as is there is apocalypse, they use a comfortable and survival clothes, and face full of dust and the long shot that revealed the weather that looks dry and a medium shot that shows a missing people board tell the audience that the world is not okay because there is something something threatening among the living, and the set of the diegesis that is big but no one seen in there makes audience have an odd feeling because of how big the set it and the extreme long shot that shows the characters walking around making them look small and week.


1 comment:

  1. - What dramatic sound effect is used? Be specific.
    - What clothes are they wearing? How do they look? Be specific.
    - Good use of extreme long shot.
    - You need to add more meaning to your examples, and discuss what effect it has on the audience.
    - You need more examples from the text


Final magazine result

  So here is the final result of my magazine Here is the link = (Copy the link from this blo...